Monday, 31 March, 2025

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5 good reasons on an airplane to sit near the window

There are people who prefer sitting near the aisle. I don’t think that there are people who like to sit in the middle. On the other hand there are lots of people enjoying sitting close to the window. I will tell you 5 good reasons why you should sit close to the window in an airplane.

Reason 1

If you sit right at the window you have the possibility to take awesome pictures of the sky, the landscapes, the landing and what ever you like. You really appreciate that when you scroll through your pictures and you find that amazing shots like an electric blue sky or clouds that you think you could sleep on that.

5 gründe im Flugzeug am Fenster zu sitzen

Air Berlin

5 gründe im Flugzeug am Fenster zu sitzen 5 gründe im Flugzeug am Fenster zu sitzen 5 gründe im Flugzeug am Fenster zu sitzen

Air Berlin

Air Berlin

Reason 2

Every time someone in your row wants to go to the restroom you don’t have to stand up. You just can relax and write, hear music, watch your movie. If you sit at the aisle you have to clap in table, have to put your stuff in your bag, have to hold your glass….

Reason 3

You will not get any suitcase or bag on your head. I saw this many times. You sit there, enjoying your book and someone wants to take out something from their cabin luggage, opens the closet and then wham-bam – the bag or jacket falls out. It maybe don’t hurt you but you almost die on a heart attack.

5 gründe im Flugzeug am Fenster zu sitzen

Reason 4

You will not lose a foot, elbow or maybe a piece of your head. Sometimes you just fall asleep and you get relaxed. You stretch yourself a little. You foot goes just a little out of your seat. And then the stuff comes with the drinks and snacks. They can’t see feet or elbows very well. So you get hurt by their trolley. And it really hurts. Besides the fact that you will not fall asleep so soon anymore.

Reason 5

You have more space. I think that I have more space sitting at the window seat. Because you have the Armrest. After that you have a few centimeters and then the wall. There is no arm who wants to share your armrest. And then you can also put your head at the wall with a little pillow without bothering anybody and fall asleep (again).


5 gründe im Flugzeug am Fenster zu sitzen




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1 Comment

schokokamel November 24, 2015 at 9:41 am

Ich sitze auch am liebsten am Fenster 🙂

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