Wednesday, 26 March, 2025

Read this in: German

A week ago I was at Bremen in Kunstrausch Party, made by students of the university of Bremen at Kunsthalle Bremen . I would like to tell you why this was such a special event for me in this blog post. To translate Kunstrausch is a pretty hard job ’cause there are a lot of words for the German word “Rausch”. Kunst means art in English. That’s pretty easy. But Rausch? If you use Google Translate Kunstrausch becomes Art Noise in English. I think that’s bullshit. More common for “Rausch” is intoxication, drunkenness, high or stare of euphoria. But I can’t decide which is the best fitting word for a proper translation.

Gastro Girl

When it comes to parties, I’m actually a burnt kid. Anyone who has waited for a long time in his life will understand me. There are these people and I envy them a bit. They can work and go crazy and party. I can either work or hand in, but I cannot combine the two, because there is also a rather harsh tone in gastronomy.

A Mona Lisa? Many Mona Lisas. My husband also applied as one, but unfortunately didn’t make it to the Reclam. Was it because of his belly woman’s avocado shirt?

Who celebrates at the theater …

In addition to this one problem with catering activity in the past, there is another problem. The theater. I spent a long time at the theater and had many years of great times and you drive very blatantly at the theater. I don’t know how to put it into words. It is not necessarily about alcohol or super doll dancing, but it is very intensive discussions and why a cool student party. And there are also these cool student parties and the parties were a medical flat share and this apartment was just extremely cool, right under the roof and with a loft.

There was a party room and in this under the roof with a star view a giant mattress where you could sit down and chill out or where one or the other might have fallen asleep. “If you celebrate at the theater, you can no longer really celebrate afterwards.” Here it is always like a sombre prophecy that everything that comes after your studies and time in the theater is just a big sad nothing. But if I hadn’t moved from Göttingen and the theater, you wouldn’t be able to read these lines today.

For his very first balloon dog, this one from my husband is not too bad.

Actually only with mom

At some point during my time at the theater, my mother and I established that we would look at art exhibitions together. I come from the countryside near Cuxhaven and it is not that far with an art exhibition, you can only one day at a time as individual artists who visit the Medem and we did that for a week in my junior high school. It was sometimes very strange, which was kind of nice to visit artists and maybe I will do it again sometime this year. I would like to know what has become of the artists in my region and to ask whether I have time for tea or coffee and want to talk to me a bit is actually a very good thing. Questions don’t cost anything and you can’t say anything worse than no.

So my mother and I regularly go to exhibitions and have a look at us. There were a lot of nice ones there, but we also found that we really can’t do anything with some artists. But then hearing what other visitors say about this art also has its entertainment value. But we haven’t been to a real party so far, only during the day in various exhibitions, because we have a longer journey from my parents.

Since we liked the icons exhibition or at least the parts that were accessible at the party, we will visit the exhibition again next week with my mother.

My husband and art

With my husband he is a different matter, because he just doesn’t like it, he was born in 96 and grew up completely with a digitized world and smartphones and knows classic museums, but they have little entertainment value for him. So I have to praise the kunstrausch party first, because part of the Ikonen exhibition, which can still be seen until March, was freely accessible during the party and you could take some actions at this exhibition.

So my husband had the opportunity to make a balloon dog for the first time in his life, or I blindly drew a painting and did not actually look at paper to expand it, but that would have been good for one eye, because it is more like that Slipped towards the lip.

Trust among strangers

Of course there was also music and a bar and a band and DJs and it was just a really cool atmosphere. We really were at a party where we didn’t know any other person and the other friends and acquaintances of ours who were later at the party did not run into us. And yet we felt like we were hanging out with really cool people and everyone was friendly and nice and communicative. And that’s how a party should be. We had nice hands-on activities and you could meet new people and you could just enjoy the atmosphere. You could lie in the beanbag and chill, dance, chat, drink cocktails, paint mandalas or give the Mona Lisa a personal touch.

For doing this drawing without looking at the sheet, I did quite well, didn’t I?

Only once a year

This art frenzy party is unfortunately only once a year and I can of course recommend that you come to Bremen next year and simply soak up this beautiful atmosphere and also the beautiful art. But of course I can recommend you to have a look at the icon exhibition. And in general I think that the Kunsthalle in Bremen is always worth a visit. Because when I was there for the first time in 2014 on my birthday, it was really such a revelation for me. Little Bremen has so much great art.

I had to go there a second time shortly thereafter. The first time I was so surprised by this large exhibition area that I had to recover from all the impressions. Then I can only look at the rest of the pictures the second time. The art gallery is also really cheap compared to other exhibitions. Just check the prices in Amsterdam and you know what I mean. I personally just go there in a hoodie every now and then. And maybe you will find me and I am sketching a bit without make-up and in a bad look. Then we can have a nice coffee in Café Sylvette.

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