Wednesday, 26 March, 2025

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5 unglaubliche Dinge an Facebook

5 amazing things about #Facebook – not always but sometimes

Maybe most of the people are a little ambivalent when it comes to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on. And I really understand that. But not everything is bad on Facebook and Co. Believe me.

Let me tell you some stories. May you start to see things differently.

1. You find old friends

Many years ago I travelled around the US. That was an incredible time of my life. I travelled from the east to the west coast and back. You can imagine, that I met many really awesome people from every part of the world. Back then, we didn’t have Internet and Email Addresses to give. I think there was Internet but it was not common. Don’t even remember. Anyway we changed addresses. But the problem was, many of them travelled through the world as I did but they didn’t even had fix addresses. When I got back to Germany we wrote for a few years and then we lost contact. I was sad about that because we had a great time together in the US and that were great people. But how could you find someone if you only have a name and didn’t even know in which part of the world they would live.

Many (many, many) years later we had Facebook. And you wouldn’t believe but we found each other. That is so strange and the way how we found us are incredible. Just a short overview. I met a wonderful Canadian Girl and an Australian Guy in San Diego. I met an Argentinian Guy and an Australian Girl in South Beach Miami and a Danish Girl in L.A and so on. We connected and they now live scattered across the world.  No one lives there where we met.


Old Times

If it wasn’t because auf Facebook we’d probably have never met (virtually) us again.
I am really happy to have them back in my life. Even if they live 20.000 km far away. And you never know, maybe one day we’ll see each other again somewhere, somehow.

2. You find new friends

I am definitely not that kind of girl scrolling through the Internet to find new friends. Believe me. I have absolutely great people around me and from time to time I meet new great people who become my friends.

But sometimes you write in groups on Facebook. Especially if you are Blogger you connect with like-minded people. And that’s where I really found some great people and we became friends. Really good friends. Not just Internet Friends. If it wasn’t because of Facebook we’d probably have never met.

coffee friends



3. You get help

Sometimes you get stucked  with a problem with your Software for example. If you are a member in one of that Facebook groups, you can find right away the answer. You type in your question and one  of the experts will write you back (very fast) and help you with your problem. Sorry, but where can you find that?

you get help


4. You build business relationships

Not everything on Facebook is just for fun. Sometimes you meet people who are looking for exact that work you are doing. So you come together. Like: “Cool, I didn’t know this is your job. I was looking for someone like you.”. It happened to me. Could happen to you too.

5. You meet awesome people

Yes, I absolutely underline that headline. I can tell you that I found on Facebook for example great people who helped me out with my business. Without asking something in exchange. You think that is impossible? Not it’s not. Nowadays you might think everybody is only focussed on themselves. I can tell you that it is not true. I found via Facebook people that are kind and generous. I could sign that. I am still amazed about that and it makes me happy because it shows me, that we are not lost. There are people like me – NOT selfish but open-hearted.

awesome people



Facebook is amazing if you use it the right way. I write only stuff on Facebook that I can accept even years later without being ashamed. Ok, not always but I try. 😉 I think as everything on the Internet you should be aware that it stays there forever. But that is not only Facebook. You have to be carefully. You should think twice maybe if you post photos where you are drunk or pictures of your children. Don’t know if you should post that you leave your house for a month ALONE. But whatever you post on the Internet try to think twice. And then maybe you will find amazing things like I did.
Or maybe you already did….

Then I would be happy to hear your story!!!!

PS: I was not paid from Facebook for this post – just in case you were wondering 😉

5 unglaubliche Dinge an Facebook

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Kristin S. July 26, 2016 at 4:41 pm

I just returned to Facebook but catching up with cousins and seeing there kids are great?

    nonsoloamore July 27, 2016 at 4:32 pm

    I still love Facebook. It is so great sometimes.

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