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Blogger Relations how to approach and work with bloggers

Blogger Schlange


Blogger Relations are so important for brands and it’s getting more and more important to work with the right ones. Of course many PR agencies, DMO’s, tourism boards try to jump up on this train. This means for us Blogger at least to get more acknowledgment.

But, however … yes but. Unfortunately, there are so many brands or agencies which have still not found the correct way to approach. Sometimes I experience things, that make me literally  speechless. And I am convinced that there a lot’s of Blogger that can tell their story too.

I have written here a small summary and manual which can help one or other brand or agency in the Blogger search.


  1. Find the right Blogger

To find the right blogger means to do a little research. Many times I experience, that som PR Agencies don’t have a clue what I do what I’m writing. But on the other hand there are some agencies that are incredible well-informed and that is so great.
For an agency it is one of the most important things to research for the right Blogger. It absolutely makes no sense to approach a blogger, that has nothing in common with your brand or the audience is so different from what your brand is looking for. Agencies have usually small budgets for blogger (that has change anyway) but with this small amount they have, they have to take out the best they can get.


2. Class vs Mas

A very important point on looking for the right blogger is the class. You really should not send any bulk mails to blogger. Especially the fact that some of them do the copy /paste error and then what happens? The blogger gets an email with a wrong name or even a wrong blog. What do you think will the blogger do with this – absolutely clear. He will put your mail into the garbage. You should definitely send targeted mails (again – research).


3. Press-Releases won’t work

with bloggers. Every good blogger looks always for something unique for his blog. He want’s that his readers can feel the emotion. He want’s to create something incredible by the things he experienced during this trip or using special stuff. That is one of the differences between a Blog and a PR Portal. And there is always the problem with double content we don’t want to have. If you really have something interesting to tell the blogger, what you think could fit to his/her blog, write a personal mail or send a twee. Many travel blogger of example love twitter.


4. Don’t ever underestimate Blogger

Sometimes when I visit some conferences or events and they ask me what I do – I get a light rolling eyes when it comes to the term “Blogger” (here in Germany). I don’t know why it is like this here in Germany. We are so advanced but in this blogger-field there is still so much to learn. In other countries I was almost forced to take the business cards and they wanted me to decide on the minute when I would be able to travel to their destination.
It is coming – also to Germany. It will take a little but it will come.

Don’t think blogger are people who are bored doing a real job and they just want to have free trips and products. I can absolutely tell you – that this is not true. Blogging it’s a hard work. I come from the PR Business and I used to write for print magazines for many many years, but there are also blogger coming from complete other working environments and they are so good and they have awesome blogs. So please, never underestimate blogger. Their influence can be much bigger than lot’s of magazines (even if it does not look like that).

5. Does hiring a blogger increase my numbers?

A few times I heard here in Germany: “I don’t think blogger will help my brand. Why should I pay for their travel. It makes no sense.” WHAT? I could give you list of successful cooperation and brands or destinations that build their whole marketing campaign on blogger. They won prices and increased definitely their visibility and if you talk to them they absolutely increased their sells. So YES. Blogger Relations will increase your numbers.
Besides did you know that almost 80% of travel bookings are made through the Internet? And did you know that more than the other (40%) of travel blogpost, photos and videos are shared and liked? Interesting don’t you think.



6. How could a Blogger help my Brand or Destination?

Blogger are multipliers. They are authentic and they are free to write whatever they want. We post photos, videos and articles on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and so on. We involve our audience. And we know how to do it.
We have unique content with extraordinary footage that sometimes can be also used by the Hotel, tourism board, brand or agency (depends on the deal).

As I wrote above many choices are made through emotions. Why would I prefer this Hotel instead of that Hotel even if they have the same price? I look through my blogs I follow or maybe I google them and I find some great article about it. Decision made.

Bloggers are fast: I don’t think there is any magazine (especially print) that is as fast as a bloggers. They sit with you, enjoy the breakfast and there are already three photos on twitter about it.


7. Blogger Trip vs Presstrip

In my life I attended a lot of presstrips. I can tell you, after the days I was ready for a vacation. Everyday was filled with so much program, that I only went in the evening or night in my room. There was no space for anything. I think this kind of trips are out. They are not up-to-date.

If you plan something like this with bloggers. Please don’t! We spoke about how fast bloggers are. We also spoke about emotion. Bloggers always want to explain their view of the story. We want to feel the emotion we have in that destination. That is one of our key points because this is how we transmit the feeling to our readers.
Absolutely crucial is Wifi. We need high-speed Internet connection because we have to twitter or put some photos on Instagram to our follower who are waiting for. We have to have the time to take photos, make videos or capture the moment. If we ask you to take time for the sundown at the beach, don’t tell us but you have to see the kitchen first. Because we will miss all the great photos from your location that can be used even years later.

Time – Time is a big point on this. I know you will show us in the shortest time almost everything. But you know what? You will archive the reverse. If you have so much to show about your location make the trip longer or invite the blogger again. He may will write from another angle. And this is even better!

Remark: Give the blogger the chance to connect with your brand. 


8. Overthink your marketing strategy

There are still some agencies or companies that think that you can separate marketing tools like PR and Seo. In the Online market there is no separation. Everything flows together. By now many of us (blogger) are very good in creating great content without losing the site of SEO (the other way around – sorry guy – this is not). Was is therefore the goal of marketing? Increasing the brand awareness. Do I have to go in detail with that..?


9. What is the best outreach I can expect from bloggers

Even if one or the other will not believe that but we blogger have a lot to do. We don’t sit at our computer and wait for your mails to get a free trip or product. Especially if this has absolutely nothing in common with our blog or the work we do. I’m always a little confused when I get mails where they ask me to go on hiking tours or backpacking trips. Sorry, but do I look like this is what I usually do? NO. I don’t like hiking – at all and it will probably never change. So if it is not clear through the blog, take the time and ask. Because you spend your energy and I will do that too. Time is money. Yes the same valid for bloggers as well. You really can trust me on that.


  • Please work a personal itinerary out. What could be interesting for the blog/blogger. Is it a lifestyle, family, mediation, hiking or whatever blog. Take the time and think what could be interesting for the blogger.
  • approach individually (do I have to repeat this)
  • Plan in advance. As I told you before we are busy and our Kalenders are pretty filled. If you plan something really nice and big, try to do this in advance. Many of us like to tease their audience too.
  • Don’t ever forget – how can I help the blogger to create a unique content. If I go on a fam trip and I get so little information of things I could see and visit, you will lose the chance to become an extraordinary content with awesome photos and videos. Because if I’m there the first time – how can I know about the stunning places around the corner.  You have to tell me and I can decide what fit’s in this trip and what not but give me all the input you have. For you!! It’s your exposure.
  • Sorry – now I repeat myself – plan always enough individual time for the blogger. We need that time – not to paint our nails – but to shoot in awesome places, make outstanding videos and to find maybe places that even you didn’t know exists. We have to feel and live the location.
  • If the blogger works with a professional photographer – please spend the money and invite him too. He/she/it will capture some moments that your blogger will not able too alone. Because we can’t split ourselves in two pieces.
  • Share the posts to your audience too. Use their Facebook posts and put them through your channels. retweet their tweets, make a photo of the stunning Instagram photo. The cool thing on social media is that there are so many connections – all over the world. So don’t be the dead-end. It is you exposure. It’s a win-win situation.

Probably I forgot something. Just write it on the comments.

10. Longterm relationships

We all know how important long-term relationships are in business. Why should this be different from bloggers. Don’t worry you can use your blogger even for different stuff and also as many as you want. Because maybe the blogger will be your next brand ambassador. Always focus on longterm. That makes definitely more sense for your brand and for the agency.



Last Tip I will give PR Agencies, DMO’S, tourism boards, brands and so on. 

Don’t always look only at the numbers. Go to the Blog, look through the articles (if you like the writing style), watch their followers (engagement) and most important see if the blogger could fit to you and your company. Sometimes the chemistry is very important. Speaking of longterm relationship. 

We are all humans. And maybe a very small blog (blogger) cold be one day a very important blog (blogger). 
We never forget who used to be nice with us… 😉



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Sheli November 29, 2015 at 1:23 pm

Wow!I don’t know what to say!

Thanks a lot for sharing such a useful post!

To be honest,I haven’t work with any brand yet(my blog is new and I still spend my time on building my audience)But I’m hopping to.

Though this post is for brands,I took this post as kind of a guide to new bloggers who are waiting to work with brands.You showed me,how brands think of bloggers like what brands expect from a blogger,What is their attitude and so much more.

I think both parties should try to fit with the each other in order to have a good relationship.I think now I have a good idea of the way brands expect us to work and know the ways I have to fit in to fill my part of relationship contribution!

Thanks again for sharing this post!

    nonsoloamore November 29, 2015 at 7:51 pm

    Thank you very much Sheli. I really appreciate your kind words and it makes me happy to see that my article could help as a guide for new bloggers as well. I know how hard it is to start with a blog. You get many advices but you don’t know how it could fit in your personal situation. If you ever need some help, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Claudia

Navyo Eller November 30, 2015 at 5:08 am

it’s a nice peaceof self Promotion indeed, compliments, but as Company, I feel now there are may Bloggers, too many. Everybody jumps on the Train ……. but few know there work and bring also Profit to us, and that’s it. Blogging for Money Needs to be more professinónasl oriented, I do not want to pay just for some nice article, I want to invest so that I increase the Profit for me – no Magic, simple Business.

Like before the jurnalists (and i did som fam trips), they pretended much, we gave much, but they rarely performed so o transform the Investment in tangible Profit. Now I doubt very much that the crowd of Bloggers is different, because few Bloggers can Show real Performance and results for the Company, so I only want to say, mass of bloggersd will not influence, but few good Bloggers will make a good living – it’s that simple for me.

If I give you Money, I want you perform and bring me Profit, otherwise why give you Money?

Blogging is interesting, but never Forget who finances it. Than you may be a good Blogger, not the other wa around, rightly you Point out taht we no pay for nail care, we care for Profit.

    nonsoloamore November 30, 2015 at 6:38 am

    Hello Navyo, thank you very much for your comment. And yes you are absolutely right.
    It is work for bloggers. That’s what I was saying. You have to search for the right bloggers. It makes no sense having lot’s of bloggers that will not give you what you are looking for. Sometimes working with a hand full of the right bloggers for years gives you exactly the outcome you need for your business. Like in every business you have that ones that are serious and engaged and on the other hand you have that one only looking for free stuff.

    About the journalists – it was a complete other story because journalists got paid from the magazines. If they liked the destination or resort maybe you got a nice article. But even then it was never a guarantee.

    And how I said, many bloggers do blogging as a job not for fun. If you are a blogger who is willing to work with a company you should know what it means – working for a company.

    I think it is respect and appreciation from both sides. If you want to have a good and professional blogger you have to pay for a good and professional blogger. 😉

    Kristn December 9, 2015 at 9:13 am

    From a different perspective might I suggest my own view. Yesterday, I read ten or so blogs. I left no comments, nor likes. I enjoyed them but I’m looking for key points quickly. I’m looking for information lightening fast. That’s why this blog caught my eyes. Titled correctly, things we had in common…ect. I love when I can see real experiences between photos and what the blogger themselves has captured and brought to life. If your company follows these rules I’m sure you will have blogger success. In fact please hire our hostess blogger and let’s ride through the life you live in your world, I’ll be waiting???

Mark Roope November 30, 2015 at 6:46 am

An excellent post and one I found myself saying over and over again “Yes your right”.
I don’t know how may firms I have had writing to me with a copy and pasted question about engaging with them when it is obvious they have never even read my blog.
The there are the posts asking you to write about something that is nothing to do with the area in which I write and asking for links back to their site.
My biggest gripe however are the companies who want you to write a blog about their product on your site of 1,000 words linking to them and in return they will offer you a pair of gloves or a totally meagre payment.
As you say bloggers work hard, writing a blog takes time and we all try a produce the best work we can but companies see bloggers as someone who spends 3 minutes a day writing something and do not treat them as someone with a special skill.

    nonsoloamore November 30, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    Thank you very much Mark for your comment!! It is definitely sad getting emails from some agencies or brands that pretend articles for “nothing” in exchange especially without looking at your work first. Like – “you can be lucky that I contact you”.
    I think it will take a few years and then the business-model “Blog” or the job title “blogger” will have an essential place in the society.

Bali Wellness Retreat & Bali Yoga Travel November 30, 2015 at 12:30 pm

Thanks for clearing some details up. We are constantly getting solicited by bloggers for free-bees.

    nonsoloamore November 30, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    I’d love to hear a little more about it, if it doesn’t bother you.
    Did you work with bloggers? How is your experience? And did you do some research before contacting bloggers? Thanks a lot.

McCool Travel November 30, 2015 at 1:01 pm

Tip for PR people, the bloggers with the highest numbers are not the most influential, credible, and even reliable. As you pointed out, look for audience engagement; that is an important measurement.

The Guy January 2, 2016 at 5:58 pm

Hi Claudia,

Great summation of the types of bad pitches we tend to receive. I receive a lot of those cut and paste junk which don’t really relate to my site and lack focus. Getting my site and name wrong is quite common and insulting.

I find a common trend now is people to keep pestering you. A few weeks ago someone wanted me to promote their app. I politely declined their approach but left it clear I didn’t want any further information about their product. Then a couple of days ago I got a follow up e-mail from the same guy promoting the app further and asking me to promote it. (no mention at all about compensation for my time either!).

I’ve seen this a few times now where people want to promote a product then mass e-mail lots of bloggers. They then don’t act on the response they do get to remove us from their marketing list. This is very annoying and immediately gives me a bad impression about their brand.

    nonsoloamore January 2, 2016 at 7:16 pm

    Thank you very much for your comment. You are absolutely right. I get some of these emails as well. It makes me a little sad because I don’t think that this kind of approach will give the brand a good quality blogger. What kind of blogger would say yes to these kind of mails?

Shuo October 28, 2016 at 1:14 am

Thanks a lot! I know it’s been a long time since this article came out still want to comment to express my thanks! As a small startup we are looking for some bloggers to help us on the marketing. These tips are really useful to avoid many mistakes in my opinion. Blog is different from normal PR is because they have special involvement with their readers, I shall keep that in mind! Won’t bother you with our product this time as I have to read more articles in your blog 🙂

    nonsoloamore October 31, 2016 at 9:28 am

    I’m really happy you like my article. Most important for every agency is to research. It is so important to find the best blogger that fits to your business. You can bother me all the time. 😉

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