Wednesday, 26 March, 2025

Read this in: German

What would you spend for the perfect haircut? I often have problems to find the right hairdresser. That’s the reason why I travelled to Milan (Italy) for my perfect haircut.

For the haircut to Milan

Probably it seems one or other strangely, why someone has to fly for a haircut to Italy. If you have long hair like me and you always struggle finding the right hairdresser – then you will understand that. Besides sometimes you just want something special, something new.

Italian hairdressers are Number 1

I believe about that cannot be simply argued. Italians are life artists and what concerns design, they are market leaders. Hairdressers in Italy are more creative and are passionate (with heart and soul) hairdressers. For them it is not simply an occupation, it is an appeal. At least 1x in the month they go to trainings. Also the owners still take part in trainings. Why? Because the trends change constantly and Italians are always first when it comes to trends.

From Hamburg to Milan

Hamburg-Milan is so easy. Different Airlines fly for little money to Milan. I have paid for my flight for both ways 80€. If I had booked one week earlier, I would have paid only 40€. So flight is absolutely no subject.

However, I have taken an evening flight and I have enjoyed my night in the Sheraton Milano Malpensa very much.

Hotel at the airport – Sheraton Milano Malpensa

What would you expect from hotels in airports. Probably this has changed about the years, but I thought – not a lot. Nevertheless, I have been mistaken. The Sheraton Milano Malpensa lies directly in the airport terminal 1.  It is simply unbelievable. Who arrives in the evening and has no desire to go into the town will be here perfectly. This Hotel offers incredibly a lot of luxury.
A coffeemaker is ready 24 hours. There is a nice SPA to relax and swim.



The rooms of the Sheraton Milano Malpensa are big and  floor-to-ceiling windows. The room was flooded with light. A gigantic bed, tea and coffee maker and free water. I love it if hotels understand this kind of the service. Nothing simply goes about a freshly cooked coffee in the morning. I simply do not understand it that there are still hotels which do not offer this kind of service….


In the cupboard you will find a bathrobe and other cushions. I think the bathrobe is especially for the SPA.  Unfortunately I had no time – not even enough to see the SPA. What a shame.

There is also a big flatscreen at the wall.

The rooms are incredibly quiet. And this, although you sleep directly in the airport. I didm’ hear anything. Neither cars, nor airplanes.

The windows can be opened. What I really enjoy because I need really fresh air from time to time.


As always when I go on trips, I forget something. In this case it was my toothpaste. What a nightmare. In the hotel but it is not a problem. I called down the front desk (23.40) and the Nu i got from the housekeeping toothbrush and toothpaste. How nice!!!

Sheraton Milano Malpensa


Breakfast can be taken in two different floors 1 and 3. I was in my floor (3.). Who had breafast in Italy knows what I’m talking about when I say this was not typically italian. Italians don’t eat so much for breakfast.The breakfast at the Sheraton is definitely for the international palate. Fresh, Italian meat – Parma ham, salami, mortadella, Turkey, cooked ham and different types of cheese. Fresh fruit salad (everything fresh and no canned fruits) fresh fruit, juices, cakes, croissants, eggs, jams. Really pretty much everything you want to eat in the morning. There is a coffee machine is ready to make his cappuccino, espresso or latte macchiato, American coffee.

The room is flooded with light.

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As mentioned previously. The location is unbeatable. Going directly from the Hotel you can either be in the terminal (left) or straight to the trains to Milan. There are several trains to Milan city center and even a bus. I had taken the express train for 12€. It took about 45 minutes to the Stazione Cadorna. From there I had only two stops on the metro and was I was at the hair salon.


You go from the Hotel directly to the station with all the trains.


Because of the attacks in Belgium, luggage can’t be stored at the hotel. Which is no problem. When you go out of the hotel, just to the left, stairs and there you are – in the luggage compartment of the airport. One day leaving your luggage there costs €5.


Reception Sheraton Milan Malpensa

Hair dresser – Cut Milano

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We come to the actual reason for my flight to Milan. Cut Milano is a nice salon in the Via Garibaldi. Via Garibaldi is a sweet Street with small shops. The atmosphere in the Hair salon is very familiar. I had the feeling that even the customers were part of the family. Of course I had an appointment and was on time at noon (German punctuality). Francesco the owner welcomed me. We discussed what to do with my hair. Since I have natural curls however less curl, but more frizz, we opted for keratin. And no, no formaldehyde in the keratin. This is always a big topic. Italy has even tougher rules than Germany with the health. Therefore it is forbidden to use formaldehyde in the keratin product.

What is keratin?

Keratin is a protein in your own hair. This treatment uses liquid keratin and will be applied to the hair. The “side effect” of this treatment are flat hair. But actually, this procedure was created around broken or brittle hair to give the necessary construction health and cure you need.


The only downside to the keratin treatment, the hair gets brighter.

This procedure takes several hours. First the hair will be washed, then dry blow-dried. Then they put the keratin on the hair, then dry blow-dried. Then the flat iron to seal the keratin, then washed out. Then colored. Sumssumarum: 1.5 hours for keratin and still times and 45 minutes for the color.



Francesco has seen my hair and together we have decided how much will be cut and how the hair has to look like.

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With the  keratin treatment the hair drys very fast. Besides that Italian hairdressers are masters of blow-drying hair. They can bring the hair in the form without any tools like flat-iron or anything like that. Everything with the power of the brushes and the hands. Very cool.



After three hours was my hair done. It was great. For the next 5 months I’m settled. I have an easy hair cut. The keratin doesn’t let frizz overwhelm my hair – at least for the next months.


Francesco owner of Cut Milano


Marzia did the keratin and the color.


Has the visit been worthwhile? It is worth to fly Italy? I can only say: Yes totally. It has various factors why this trip has been worthwhile. For my US Readers – the distance between Hamburg and Milan is 559.26 miles.

Perhaps I usually go 3x in the year to the hairdresser. I usually pay about €150,-. Without Keratin or Olaplex. Only hair wash, cut and blow-dry. When I tint my hair I pay even more. If they use more care products – more money. And I am not so happy like in Italy.

When I was in Milan I was so happy. The weather was incredible and I sat outside of the cafe, on the street. The sun was shining. I ate a delicious Italian salad and a musician played.

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The Hairdresser visit was an experience. It was the whole atmosphere that really impressed me and always does.

The question is, why not doing all that in Germany?

Apart from the atmosphere. Italy is complete different. They are hair designers. I always loved and liked being at an italian hair dresser -and always will. I love it that they understand my hair instantly and know how to handle it.
I personally can recommend this trip to everyone. Because it is worth it.

And if you have a bit more time – perhaps a whole weekend – then you can see the city and enjoy it even a little more.



Thanks a lot to Cut Milano, Francesco and the whole Team. 

Thank you to Sheraton Milan Malpensa for this great night and the lovely breakfast. 





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Marge Gavan May 3, 2016 at 7:30 am

I don’t really have my own hair dresser and I most definitely don’t go to Italy to get a hair cut hahaha… But if you can afford it, why not. Your hair turned out to be really great I must say.

    nonsoloamore May 3, 2016 at 7:36 am

    Thank you very much. I always need to try something different and for the costs – it cost the same as here in Germany. But the hairdresser is better and the location much nicer 😉

Christina May 3, 2016 at 3:06 pm

The cut looks gorgeous! I have to ask my hairdresser next time about the Keratin treatment! Your hair looks so healthy afterwards.

    nonsoloamore May 3, 2016 at 4:51 pm

    Thanks a lot Christina. You really should ask your hairdresser about keratin.

The Jerny May 3, 2016 at 3:53 pm

I’m not much into fashion especially haircuts but they did absolutely great with your hair. 😀

    nonsoloamore May 3, 2016 at 4:52 pm

    Thank you so much! That’s very kind of you.

Sally May 3, 2016 at 9:30 pm

Love the new haircut! The hote looks like a nice place to stay too.

Vyjay Rao May 4, 2016 at 4:01 am

This one is definitely more than just a haircut, it looks more like a short relaxing vacation, with the Italian haircut as a bonus.

Johna May 4, 2016 at 1:59 pm

Your hair looks lovely! And the hotel looks so beautiful. Definitely a relaxing weekend for you ?

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