Wednesday, 26 March, 2025

Read this in: German

Italians do it better – this slogan was on Madonna’s T-shirt in the middle of the 80s, in her video “Papa do not preach”. I would almost say legendary. Because this shirt attracted many minds and discussions.

Myth or truth about Italians

Italians are loud

Yes and yes. Italians simply talk a lot more emotionally and the voice always rises a bit. When I talk to my parents (in Italian), I automatically speak louder. And that has nothing to do with that they can not hear or so. That is normal. We talk excitedly and describe situations very precisely. For some German observers sometimes a bit strange. As a child I always had to tell my friends that my parents would NOT argue. They didn’t really believe me because from home they were rather quiet discussions were accustomed. We never have “quiet” discussions. If we argue, we argue. Gladly louder and above all with hands and feet. But … after the dispute is before the dispute. We drink an espresso together, as if nothing had happened.


“Italians know about human nature – they understand human nature perhaps better than anyone else does. They know that people are weak and greedy and lazy and dishonest and they just try to make the best of it; to work around it.” Donna Leon

Italians are spirited

Hm, how can I deny that when my blood is 100% from Italy and I can not contradict it. Yes, Italians are generally spirited. At a young age I was a little “more spiritedly”. Some things flew through the house, sometimes. I must say, I am calmer with now. But temperament one has or one does not have it. I believe that the temperament is simply put into the cradle of many Italians. You can not help it. They love passionately from the deepest of their hearts. But do not make an Italian upset … especially not an Italian woman .. Should you try to tell an Italian woman during an emotional outburst she should calm down .. well, not a good idea….

“There is in the DNA of the Italians a bit of madness, which in the overwhelming majority of cases is positive. It is genius. It is talent. It’s the masterpieces of art. It’s the food, fashion, everything that makes Italy great in the world.” Matteo Renzi

Italians do it better


Typical Italian: If you move your hands even when you are on the phone.

Italians can cook

We use a bit of the stereotypes in this article, and when I say Italians can cook, it is true for a large part. Of course, there will be some who can not. But the food in Italy is a big part of the culture. My parents have made fresh pasta every Sunday. EVERY Sunday. From tagliatelle over gnocchi, over penne or ravioli. Before that, their parents or grandparents made it. Eating in Italy does not simply satisfy hunger. A meal means that you exchange, get together, laugh, drink and spend a time together at the table (with really good food). In my house there are so many different types of noodles and tomatoes that I could easily spend a year without shopping. In every Italian household there is ALWAYS enough noodles or tomato sauce for everyone. I love to cook. The individual ingredients to rye, cut and taste. It is an art. I never cook with a recipe – at least I do not really care about the receipt. Sometimes I try to then I make my own dish. I like to improvise. When I invite friends to dinner, they are quite impressed (thank goodness). The quantity also plays a role in Italy. My parents always cook so much that I go home with several bowls and plates. So it is with my Italian relatives and so it is with me. My friends always ask if a second shift is coming. Because I am always afraid that my guests will not be satisfied and go home hungry (what they definitely will not). Then I like to give doggy-bags home and am happy when they are happy.

“Wherever I go, I am Italian. The way I talk, the way I eat, the way femininity is important to me. The way I love Italian food.” Monica Bellucci

“What has impressed me the most about the Italians whose tables we’ve sat at is that they are traditional cooks but also outrageously innovative. These people are wild improvisers.” Frances Mayes


Typical italian: If  saying goodbye takes ages because you have to kiss everyone. 

Italians love Soccer

All? Maybe not, but most Italians do not just watch games, they go through them. With every fiber of their body – the ball is almost shot in the goal by them. They curse, they laugh, they cry. And Italians can be very loyal. Best example Diego Armando Maradona. Actually Argentina’s national team played for SSC Naples from 1984 to 1991. He helped Naples become the first masters of the club’s history. They even composed a song for him. The Neapolitans have never forgotten this and revered it (even today). Even his scandals and drug abuses were also forgiven. On Sundays, older and younger men are wildly gesticulating in the bars with their sporting magazines in their hands. Who then played the best and what mistakes the coach has made. It is hot, very hotly debated and at the end they will drink a coffee together.

“Being part of a team that belongs to everyone makes me feel good. A lot of the time, it’s better than sex: it lasts longer and if it falls flat, it can’t just be your fault…Much better to be a soldier on the pitch than in the bedroom.” Andrea Pirlo


Typical italian: If you really get goose bumps hearing other people pronouncing  Zucchini, Gnocchi or Bruschetta – of course wrong. 

Italians love coffee

Would there be so many bars in Italy if Italians did not drink coffee? Hardly likely. So YES, the Italians love coffee. I love it when I’m in Italy. I find a bar at every corner! I have in my house 4! coffee machines. Yes, I admit it. A small Bialetti for 2 to 3 cups (Espresso), a large Bialetti for 8 cups, a German coffee machine and a Nespresso for in-between. Do I need all these coffee machines? Yes absolutely. I’m addicted to coffee. In my blood flows not only the fire of Naples, but also a lot of caffeine. A good espresso is included after each meal. But careful, an espresso must have the right temperature and the right bean roasting.

“The Italians have their priorities right: They’re driven, they do their work, but they really enjoy the day-to-day and they don’t put off the enjoyment of the everyday for some future goal.” Frances Mayes

Kaffee Cappuccino

Typical italian: If you friends are shocked when they find out that you already had water with wine when you were a kid. 

Fashion + Italy = LOVE

Do I really have to explicitly affirm? Of course Italians love fashion. It is in their genes. They would rather refrain from taking their own apartment and instead living with Mama than not dressing well. Clothing has a high priority in Italy. Italian women love being beautiful clothes and shoes. But also the Italian men are in no way inferior. They have the matching socks to the belt, the right tie to the pants. I am an Italian through and through. I love to buy nice shoes or nice clothes. I love to combine and try different things together. I like being woman and dressing myself accordingly. Is this typically Italian? Maybe.

“Italians know that what matters is style, not fashion. Italian style does not have social or age boundaries.” Stefano Gabbana. 

“Italian style is a natural attitude. It is about a life of good taste. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Simple but with good taste. Luxury is possible to buy. Good taste is not.” Diego Della Valle


Relive the Alta Moda dream. Every moment captured. #DGLovesNaples produced by @fashiontomax filmed by @iammucci

Posted by Dolce & Gabbana on Samstag, 9. Juli 2016

Typical italian: If your favorite dish is PASTA

Italians are passionate

“Belladonna, n.: In Italian a beautiful lady; in English a deadly poison. A striking example of the essential identity of the two tongues.” Ambrose Bierce
Italians and their passions. Italians and Italians are hot-blooded. What does it say in an advertisement of an Italian car manufacturer: Are you sure you want to play with the fire? For anyone who gets involved with Italians it is in a certain way. We love many things from the deepest of our hearts. That is why there are so many artists from Italy, such as designers, actors, writers, painters, sculptors, singers and much more. Yes, the Italians are much more with the heart, in everything they do. The passion lies in the blood. This can be followed for generations. My family is from Naples. If it is more relaxed in the north of Italy, Naples is the exact opposite.
Italian women would give their last shirt for friends and family without thinking about it a second time. At the same time, the Italian blood streams in our veins and we love a little drama.

Whoever wants to date an Italian woman should be aware that you will not have a little (grey) mouse at your side. You will probably get a sexy woman who has enough self-esteem to show that too. A woman who is also in really hard times at your side and will fight for you like a lion mother. Hot-blooded, sensual but sometimes a bit crazy. 😉

Not everyone is strong enough to deal with it.


Italiener Mythos oder Wahrheit


“American men are more open, they are readier to express their emotions, but they also get frightened easily. Italians are used to drama. For us, arguing, shouting is perfectly normal – for them it is inconceivable.” Elisabetta Canalis


Italians do it better

“Don’t ever take sides with anyone against the family…Ever” Al Pacino – The Godfather

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Dale October 25, 2016 at 1:30 am

Another great story Claudia and punctuated with wonderful photos and quotes. I love Italy!! The incredible passion that flows through the veins of Italians has created some of the most incredible art, food, wine, fashion etc., on the planet for millennia now. Thanks for sharing.

    nonsoloamore November 13, 2016 at 7:23 am

    Thank you so much Dale. I’m happy you like it. I love Italy too. Maybe because I’m a little subjective. Hahahah. But you are so right. Probably creativity has always a little craziness. 😀

Kristin sharum November 12, 2016 at 10:26 am

I wrote a comment and l guess l lost it! Best ever blog!! I adored learning about you, your Mama and your culture. I love that you cook and are so talented. Wahoo darling???

    nonsoloamore November 13, 2016 at 7:22 am

    Thank you so much Kristin. You are always so kind!!! I thought it is nice to give my friends and readers some “insider” information about me 😉

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