Friday, 21 February, 2025

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Pillow talk between the countries  – who is the best

What country has the best pillows

I don’t know if I get more complicated as I’m getting older or if I was always like this. But what I know for sure – the wrong pillow gives me headache. Real and bed headache. First of all I have problems to sleep then in the morning when I wake up – I really feel bad. Everything hurts. My neck my head, everything. That is definitely not the best start for a day. When you travel like me and you are complicated like me you appreciate even more good pillows in Hotels or Apartments. Ok one or another could say: „Claudia, bring your own pillow with you if you encounter so many problems.“ I answer then: „Are you kidding? Every space in my suitcase is well-organized with my outfits and shoes. Definitely no space for a PILLOW.“

But there are countries I really, really love sleeping. Wherever I go they have absolutely great pillows. 3 Star/4 Star/5 Star Hotel or Apartments. They rock my (pillow) world. I made my own ranking for the best pillow-countries ever.


Here is my ranking. Tell me what you think? Do you have the same problems?

Number 5 : Italy

I’m so sorry. I’m really am. I love Italy. Really. But Italy has the worst pillows I ever experienced. It was always like this and it still is. They are way too hard and too flat. Sometimes it feels like you are sleeping on wood. Even if you order more it will not help you. They are still hard. I even went once in a supermarket and bought me a pillow. I couldn’t stand it anymore. It was impossible. If I travel to Italy and find a Hotel that has good and enough pillows I almost cry for happiness. Some of you may think – she is crazy. But others who have the same problem they understand me and will probably nods their heads.

Ok Italy – you are such a great country and you have wonderful Hotels. Do something with your pillows. To all the Hotels Owner. Please buy pillows that are fluffy, big, small, medium and whatever. Your guests will love you for that.


Number 4

Spain, UK and Germany

Spain, Germany and UK are very similar. You will not find the great amount of pillows as in the winner country or the second best. There are usually one by person, sometimes two. But they are not too bad. They are fluffy and you can work with it. You can always order more. Sometimes they have a second pillow in the closet. I would appreciate having them already all in the room because sometimes it annoys me to order more. Not all of them understand my problem. The only thing, they tend to be a little flat.

Number 3


Dubai it’s on the third place of my pillow statistic. It also has different pillows but not everywhere. Unfortunately it depends a little from the hotel. But a very, very good third place.



Hôtel Eugène en Ville Paris (France)


Place 2


France really surprised me – positive. You always get 2 pillows per person and usually there is one in the closet too. They also have different sizes. They are not as good as the winner but a good second place.

And the winner is:

room library 2_Fotor


Absolutely and with exclamation marks!!! The USA is absolutely my favorite pillow place in the world. They have on every bed lot’s of pillows. Many times they even have different kinds of them. A little harder, less harder, with down, without down, small, big. Whatever you want. And if it’s not enough – you can always ask. What really never even happened to me to have ask for pillows. They usually also have pillows for allergic people. USA you are my hero. When I sleep in one of your beds I really enjoy it. No headache.

bed pillow talk

Pillow talk




2traveldads April 2, 2016 at 3:18 pm

I love that you wrote about this, as I am a pillow fiend and use many of them… and we’re generous with them here. I also totally agree about Italy. Worst pillows ever.

journalofnomads April 3, 2016 at 9:37 am

I understand you, a bad pillow gives me pain in my neck. I often end up sleeping without one 🙂

Taylor’s Tracks April 3, 2016 at 12:45 pm

Oh god having a bad pillow or mattress in the world. I need a big fluffy pillow and majority of hostels never have these.

Christina April 4, 2016 at 2:20 am

I didn’t know there was another person that put as much thought into pillows as me! Agree with the rankings. I once called down to the hotel concierge at a Boston hotel to see if they could mail a couple of pillows to Canada for me 🙂

    nonsoloamore April 4, 2016 at 7:01 am

    That’s a great idea in fact. Calling the hotel if you find your perfect pillow. 😉

Jennifer Sikora April 4, 2016 at 3:51 pm

One of my favorite hotel chains offers 5 different pillow choices on your bed for every sleeper. It is PERFECTION!

WyldfamilyTravel (@wyldfamtravel) April 4, 2016 at 8:05 pm

Ha great original idea for an article kudos to you. I hate pillows in most of European Australia we use the normal small size pillows. I can never get used of those really big euro pillows they are some uncomfortable.

    nonsoloamore April 7, 2016 at 6:19 am

    But do you have lots of small size pillows? Or just one or two?

Ami Bhat April 5, 2016 at 2:52 am

Interesting. Now that I am thinking of it, I found the best ones in Bali, India, Singapore, Dubai and UK 🙂

    nonsoloamore April 7, 2016 at 6:19 am

    Yes I’ve heard that they have really good pillows in Asia. But I was only in Dubai and for the rest I don’t know. But I have to visit definitely Asia. Maybe I make then another ranking. 😉

melody pittman April 6, 2016 at 4:14 am

Oh but of course! US for sure in anything that will make your stay more comfortable and unfortunately, Americans like myself, get peeved when the standards do not measure up at similar places around the world. 😉 I loved your post, very creative and clever. We live part-time in Panama and the best pillows they sell (we are in Boquete, near David) are around $10 US, so you can assume they are total crap. I will have to ship some down for our next visit. 😉

    nonsoloamore April 7, 2016 at 6:17 am

    Oh noooo melody. That is not good. But as you already know that there are not good pillows in Panama you are at least prepared. Especially home you want to have the best comfort.
    Thanks a lot. I’m happy you liked my post. 😀

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