Wednesday, 26 March, 2025

Read this in: German

There is always a problem when traveling with the plane. At least for me. If you are going to be away a little longer you have too much stuff to take it in your carry on luggage. The problem is, if you lose your suitcase – or better – if the airline looses your suitcase. This happened to me on my short press trip to Belfast. My luggage never arrived.

For me its a nightmare. Because I’m one of the persons who always buys special things in different countries. I don’t usually walk into the shoe shop in Germany and buy a pair of shoes. I buy in Italy most of my clothes or Online. Because I like particular things. So every piece in my suitcase is special. Not easy to re-buy.

I made this list with essentials for your carry-on luggage. It will not help you if the airline will not deliver for a week but it will help you for the first days.




1. Computer/camera

I’m happy that I had all my technical stuff in my carry-on baggage. But another girl I was traveling with had her computer in her suitcase. What a disaster. I could really feel with her. Nightmare! Even if all that is very heavy, try to put it in your bag that you take with you.



2. Underwear for two days

Underwear really doesn’t take so much space. You should pack at least for two days your underwear.

3. Toothbrush

I have a very nice electric toothbrush. I don’t know why I was so stupid to put that into my suitcase. I had to buy a simple toothbrush in Belfast. I can tell you. If you are used to electric toothbrushes you always have the feeling your teeth are not clean enough. I will never put that in my suitcase again.

4. Creme/washing lotion / make-up

Especially women are not easy with cremes, washing lotions or make-up. It all depends on your skin. I have a difficult skin and I can’t use any product. I have specific products that are perfect for my skin. It is not easy to walk into a drugstore and find my products. Not at all. For that reason I have travel size flagons where I put my cremes or washing lotion in. And of course it will travel with me.

5. Shoes

If you travel with trainers, then take one pair of nice shoes with you. If you travel with nice shoes, than take some trainers with you. If you travel to a beach place, put your flip-flops into the handbag. I know what I’m talking about. I usually travel with nice but comfortable high heels. When I got to Belfast I only had that ones. On press trips you have to walk and walk and walk. I needed another pair of shoes. I had that all nice packed in my suitcase what never arrived.



6. Second Outfit

At least take another outfit with you. For the next day. A T-shirt, pants a shirt whatever. There is nothing worse than after taking a shower getting back into old clothes. Nope, not nice.

7. Hairbrush

After flying I always look a little chaotic on my head. I admire people who always look so perfect. Even after a 10 hours flight. Me not. It will help you if you have a hairbrush to keep at least your hair in order. 😉

8. Medicine

Medicine should always be in your carry-on luggage. It will be not easy to have the prescription if you are an another country. And it will take too much time either. Going to the doctor and waiting…

9. Bikini/Shorts/Jackets

It depends where you are traveling to. If you are traveling to a beach place you should take a pair of shorts and/or a bikini with you. Otherwise you maybe look at the sea and will cry because you are not able to dive directly into the water when you arrive. If you travel to a colder place, take a jacket with you. Very important! Believe me. I already made that experience.



10. Jewelry

You would be very very sad if you would lose maybe grandmas brooch or the wonderful necklace your boy/girlfriend gave to you. You would never be able to buy that again.


I hope I did not miss anything. If yes please feel free to let me know. I’m always happy to learn. 😀 Next time I will be better prepared. But in any case. Loosing a suitcase is always terrible. Always!


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1 Comment

Dale July 10, 2016 at 8:03 pm

Great list Claudia. I especially like to keep my camera, laptop and chargers close at hand. Partly for security reasons and partly because you never know when you might need them. Having something warm to put on is gold too. Overly air-conditioned aircraft, hotel lobbies and restaurants abound in even the hottest tropical locations.

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